Ownzone remains open to members and their clients during the latest Lockdown

by Sarah Holden
November 9, 2020

Ownzone is staying open for business over the coming weeks for those members who are still able to use our therapy rooms.  Ownzone continues to provide private and safe space for individuals in need of face to face sessions. Of course, we continue to maintain and follow strict Covid precautions as outlined in the latest Government guidelines. Our latest policy can be read here.

Guidance from the Government allows businesses providing mental health services to remain open and those receiving these services are permitted to leave home for such appointments. If members prefer to conduct online sessions, Ownzone does provide rooms with desks and strong broadband service to ensure uninterrupted sessions. This may well be an option where hosting online sessions at home is not viable.

We do ask our members to apply their own judgement with regards to  Government guidelines and to follow the advice of their professional body for any specific restrictions.