Our Ownzone therapy rooms are ideally set up for those who practice complementary therapy such as Reiki, Massage, Reflexology, Acupuncture, the Bowen Technique, Meditation, Homeopathy and Hypnotherapy.
Complementary therapies
Situated over 3 floors of our newly refurbished building in central Stroud, our facilities are designed to promote calmness and relaxation.
An open and inviting reception area welcomes you and your clients, while spacious rooms with soft and natural lighting allow for a completely relaxing and therapeutic experience.
Our two massage and therapy couches has a wash down vinyl surface, with optional face hole and one has a removable headrest. With two sections, the back incline is easily adjustable and height can be altered electronically.
Four rooms are furnished with a settee and comfortable, supportive chairs throughout allow your clients to relax in a warm and inviting, yet contemporary, atmosphere which is excellent for calm and healing.
With clean, bright washrooms on each floor your clients have somewhere to freshen up and you can help yourself to tea and coffee from our kitchen downstairs as well as bottles of water if needed.
Please visit Our rooms to view pictures, details and more.