At Ownzone, we have introduced a safe system of work to allow our therapists and counsellors to resuming face to face sessions for those clients who require it. Massage therapists and other ‘hands on’ practices are unable to return until further advice, expected in July.
This policy covers the following key points:
1. Anyone with any Covid-19 symptoms must self isolate for 7 days.
2. All persons working will adopt a high standard of personal hygiene. Hands must be washed thoroughly before and after each session. There are restrooms on each floor for washing hands and Ownzone also has hand sanitising gel available ion each floor.
3. It is imperative to maintain social distancing measures and the furniture in the room is arranged to achieve this.
4. Therapists are advised to clean any contact surfaces with antibacterial spray and disposable cloths or wipes to minimise the risk of infection. This must be undertaken every time the room is used. Spray and disposable towels are available in each restroom and the kitchen.
5. Therapists should avoid touching their eyes nose and mouth. Hands should be washed with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after each client meeting.
6. If any client with an arranged session is known to have COVID-19 the meeting will not be able to take place until the person has self isolated for a period of 7 days.
7. All rooms must be sanitised and well ventilated before the client can enter. Clients mast be requested to wash their hands. Each room has windows, so these should be opened whilst the rooms are in use.
8. The number of people on site must be kept to a minimum. Where possible only the client receiving treatment should enter the building, family or friends should remain outside.
9. Therapists need to ensure that there is time between clients to allow for the room to be thoroughly cleaned and for the air to flow.
The COVID-19 advice on the spread of the disease is evolving therefore government guidance will be checked to ensure safety measures are adhered to.
Whilst all of us at Ownzone are excited that our rooms are once more being used, we are taking every precaution to ensure both our members and their clients operate in a safe environment.