Natalie McGrorty

I am a Face Reader, Women’s Health Specialist and Facial Massage Therapist.

About me

I specialise in womb health and Face Reading, with particular expertise in fertility, pelvic pain conditions, menstrual health, and the perinatal period. I support women to reconnect to the inherent wisdom, creativity and rhythmical cycles of the body, as a path to health and vitality.

I am also a facial massage therapist and teach workshops on Face Reading and women’s health.

Natalie McGrorty

What I offer

I offer Face Reading and Rejuvance facial massage to men and women alike. In addition, I offer Holistic Pelvic Energy™ sessions to women.

The benefits of Rejuvance include rejuvenation of the skin and muscle tone of the face as well as deep relaxation of the whole body. The combination of intricate finger-tip techniques, acupressure and the gentle stimulation of the lymphatic system allows Rejuvance to also help relieve sinus congestion and headaches, soften scarring and calm the nervous system, which is also beneficial for insomnia. No oils or lotions are used, so it is gentle on sensitive skin.

Holistic Pelvic Energy™ sessions have wide-reaching benefits for women at all stages of life. Restoring the energy flow within the pelvic bowl invites a deeper connection to the natural rhythms of the body and is hugely supportive when navigating any challenges in life, especially any health concerns relating to the pelvic organs, fertility, or menstrual health, including perimenopause and menopause. The combination of energy techniques, gentle dialogue, visualisation, and breathwork bring tangible shifts, and when the energy in the pelvis is tended to and the tension patterns cleared, creativity and health can flourish.

Face Reading is one of the foundational tools of Chinese Medicine, practised for thousands of years. A wealth of wisdom is expressed on the face, and many aspects of one’s life and health can be illuminated and made sense of with Face Reading as a guide. Every feature’s size and shape and every line and marking have meaning and together provide a map of and for your life. If you are navigating any shifts and changes in your life, feel lacking in direction, are working to transform a health concern, or support fertility, receiving a face reading brings many gifts. (It is not recommended to receive a Face Reading until the age of 24.)


Contact me

Natalie McGrorty

Tel: 07599 283033




Face Reading Apprenticeship & Master Face Reading Certification Program – Lillian Pearl Bridges, Lotus Institute
Holistic Pelvic Energy™ Certification – Tami Lynn Kent
Women’s Health Coach certification – The Integrative Woman’s Health Institute (IWHI)
Optimal Fertility: Preconception Detoxification and Preparation Program Certification – IWHI
Heart Led Living Intuitive Coaching certification – Sue Dumais
Rejuvance™ – Ilaira Bouratinos
Paramana Doula certification – Michel Odent and Liliana Lammers
Abdominal-Sacral Massage™ certification
Fertility Massage Therapy™ certification