Hettie Peplow

If you are facing a painful or difficult life situation, EssenceTM Coaching can support you to heal strong, painful feelings; freeing you to respond with authenticity, confidence and integrity.

About me

My name is Hettie and EssenceTM Coaching is how I support and enable people to heal and grow as they face life’s challenges. The bedrock of my approach is a deep commitment to respecting people, to truth and to love.

My approach has grown out of my own life, work and healing experience.

As a young child, I needed open heart surgeries; these interventions, whilst life saving, deeply impacted my experience of myself and the world and all aspects of my health. I have lived and healed through times of breakdown, anxiety and depression and a painful inflammatory condition, I believe caused by trauma. My ongoing learning is about listening to my body and the wisdom it holds, growing trust in myself and love of life.

I have worked alongside people for change at the personal, community and societal level for over thirty years. The common themes being learning and empowerment. I began in the NHS as a group facilitator and one to one support worker in a Substance Misuse Service; after this, I completed a Diploma in Social work in Sheffield. More recently, I returned to Gloucestershire and worked for a charity, facilitating disabled people and people with mental health conditions to develop and deliver workshops raising awareness and understanding of exclusion and practical steps towards inclusion.

The EssenceTM Approach has been integral to me becoming happier and more alive to life. The simple inner practice has a cumulative and transformative effect as old wounds are healed and out of date ideas and conditioning are dropped so that I can declare – I am a nature lover, a sensitive human, I love learning, I am quiet, I am sometimes silly, I am deeply touched by the pain, the ridiculousness and the beauty of life. I love to laugh, I have a wild heart.

I began the training to be an EssenceTM Coach in 2018; becoming licensed in 2021. Now I support others in their journeys to living with vitality, authenticity and making their unique contribution in the world.

Hettie Peplow

What I offer

EssenceTM Coaching is authentic inner work. If you are in inner turmoil, maybe experiencing conflict with those you care about or are aware that past events are holding you back.

Coaching sessions focus on the challenges and priorities in your life. We explore your situation and use EssenceTM Enquiries to naturally and simply clear and heal the painful thoughts and feelings so that you are in touch with your unique ‘essence’. From this spacious, lighter space it is easy for you to be clear what the right things for you to do are, and be confident about doing them.

I lead you through inner enquiries to dialogue, learn and heal. I share simple, enjoyable practices to take into your everyday life. For many people I work with, transforming the relationship they have with themselves to one of of self respect and care, is an important part of the work we do together. This ripples through and changes everything you do and experience.

The effects of EssenceTM Coaching with me are:
– Healing pain from past events, relationships and situations
– Feeling confident and at ease with who you truly are
– Feeling free of painful, overwhelming feelings
– Knowing how to respond to your feelings in stressful, challenging times
– Growing your ability to be confident and authentic in relationships
– Being ready to take action and make changes
– Learning how to communicate clearly
– Enjoying life more
– Healing conflict in relationships with others

If you would like to know more, please get in touch. I offer a free twenty minute conversation for you to discover if I am the right person to support you. We can talk about what you are facing, how we might approach it and you can ask any questions you have.

I recommend people commit to a series of sessions – preferably six, but at least four to give yourself the best chance of really having an impact on your area of focus. The cost of a session is £60, or four for £220 and six for £335.

Contact me

Hettie Peplow

Tel: 07725 190109

Email: hettiepeplow@proton.me

Essence TM Coach, licensed in 2021

Insight Herbalist, qualified 2023

Diploma in Social Work – 1994

BSc (Hons) Macromolecular Biophysics – 1991

Secret garden essence logo

I receive regular professional supervision from Joy Hicklin-Bailey, qualified psychotherapist and Founder of Essence TM Coaching.